Saturday Montrose 8 am is getting bigger and bigger. So many riders. Heading down to South Pasadena I met up with a fairly large group along the way. First it was Demi, Frank, Gabriel, and Danny at Live Oak, then Steve (or John, I cannot remember his name) somewhere on Baseline. Off Route 66 in Glendora we met Scott, Bill and Monte. Then around Duarte we met Big Block and Alvin. Yeah, I joined a bunch of trouble makers and we continued our way to the start of Montrose.
If you are interested in the Montrose Ride below are the Details
Montrose Weekly Ride
Location | Group | Time | Pace |
Trader Joes So. Pasadena | C | 7:30 am | Slow |
Trader Joes So. Pasadena | B | 7:45 am | Moderate |
Trader Joes So. Pasadena | A | 8:00 am am | Fast |