
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Toyota Prius X Parlee Concept Bike

"When you're peddling along the open road on a bike, sometimes shifting gears is a drag. That's when Toyota's mind-controlled bike may come in handy.

The minimalistic-looking bike, made in conjunction with Saatchi LA, Parlee Cycles and Deeplocal, comes with a built-in smartphone dock, a carbon-fiber frame -- and a helmet that reads electrical brain activity." LA Times Read More

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

Well my wife made me watch, "My Sister's Keeper". Stupid movie, I can't finish watching it.

11:15 pm: Follow up, finished movie. So Anna dies in the movie, but in the book Anna lives and Kate dies. At least that is what my wife tells me.

Crazy "stupid" movie/book.

The Commuter By Levi

Interesting... I think I need a pair of Levi Commuters.

1976 Honda XL 350

Nick's Latest Project, a 1976 Honda XL 350.

Knobby Time, "Back By Popular Demand!"

Knobby Time XC Series is coming back to Bonelli Park Aug 4, Aug 18 and Sept 1, 2011.

The Knobby Time is a great mid-week racing series located at Bonelli Park. Bonelli can be easily accessed from the 60, 71, 210, and 10 FWY.

I raced the last three in June and had a blast. I met some really cool people with a shared passion for fitness and cycling. I even met a fellow Blogger, The Claremont Cyclists.

In June, I placed 4th, 5th and flatted on the third race resulting in a DNF. I want to at least get on the podium this time around!

I hope to see you there!

GMR to Mt Baldy

When you head out before 6:00 am your ride is mostly like going to be a lonely one. That was definitely the case today. From Pomona to GMR to Mt Baldy and back home, I only saw three other riders while heading up the mountain.

It was nice to be out alone, and the sunrise was spectacular. The sun slowly rose above the San Gabriel Mountains and at the first saddle you could see the marine layer blanketing the foothills below.

Kroy was the first rider I saw this morning. He was pressed for time, Baptism at noon, so he said hello and quickly disappeared up the mountain. I thought to pick up the pace and hang with him, but I just didn't have the power today.

After Kroy, I passed one rider and was passed by another. Overall, it was a quiet ride and my body was still sore from my Beach Body "Insanity" workout. I was happy to see Fork Plus 8.25.

Heading down Mt. Baldy was another story. The road was chalk full of Cyclists heading up, lots of them! I wondered if there was an organized ride I wasn't aware of.

I made it home by 9:15, rounded up the kids and headed to the pool! So far my Saturday has been great!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bonelli with Chris and Carl

Chris, Carl and I rode around Bonelli Park after work. We held a moderate pace and rode the Knobby Tire course I raced last month. It was nice to ride the course at a much slower pace than I did back in June. I was able to enjoy the single track, the contours of the trail with its bumps, twists and off camber turns.

When I raced the course last month, the trail went by too quickly, and my thoughts were on the task at hand. This left little time to appreciate Bonelli Park and its trails. Today was much different. Chris an old friend from HS was in town from FRANCE and we talked about many things. Its been about a year and a half since his last visit so there was plenty to catch up on.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Change of Plans and Ramblings

My Saturday bike ride had a last minute change of plans. What was supposed to be a Bonelli MTB ride turned into an Epic Bonelli/Marshal Canyon ride that left me exhausted for the rest of the day. Even this morning, and as I write this blog, my muscles are still aching.

Saturday's ride was going to be an early MTB ride around Bonelli Park. I thought it would be fun to show my group the Knobby Tire course I raced in June. The plan was to finish my ride early and be home by 9:30 am. The alarm was set to go off by 5 am and by 5:45 I was heading, on bike, to the Park and Ride off Via Verde.

I love early morning rides. There is a beautiful quiet when I set out early in the morning. All the traffic is gone, and as the sun rises, the day is renewed. Yesterday's problems gone and in this instant we start anew.

I made it to the Park and Ride and noticed I had a text message. Well, it looks like the ride is cancelled. DAMN! What do I do now. A toyed with the idea of going back home and cooking up a grand breakfast of eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy and "brownies" (Jamie calls hash browns, Brownies).

I am going to ride. I am not comfortable riding the dirt trails of Bonelli alone, so I decided to ride to Marshal Canyon.

Bonelli trails don't seem to get much traffic, which can be a good thing if that's what you want. To me riding these trails alone scare me because, "What If". What if I crash, or get a flat. OR even worse, what if I get attacked by a mountain lion or bitten by a rattle snake. All these scenarios play out in my head, so no "Alone Time" on Bonelli Trails.

Marshal Canyon it is. I head to Oak Mesa, a popular staging area, if you are going to ride, run or hike Marshal Canyon. Sure enough, mountain bike riders are getting geared up and runners are congregating on the field. I do a few loops around the parking lot to see if I recognize anyone before heading up the trail.

All strangers none the less, so I "officially" start my MTB ride up Marshal Canyon. More often than not, and even more so when I ride alone, phantasms and memories of the past race through my head. Lower Marshal Canyon reminds me of my High School friend, Dan. Dan pasted away several years ago but as teenagers we used to ride these trails what seemed to be daily.

Made it to Yellow Gate. Yellow Gate is where Marshal Canyon and Cobal Canyon meet. Yellow Gate itself reminds me of another HS friend, Kevin. I remember the first time I made it to Yellow Gate. It was with Kevin. I remember being extremely tired yet proud that I made it to the "top". Kevin, the best rider in our group at the time, wanted to push on, but I talked him into turning back.

Down Cobal Canyon. Cobal Canyon has changed since my first MTB riding experiences in the early nineties. Cobal Canyon used to be quiet and it was rare if you saw another rider. Now it is a zoo. There are hikers, runners, bikers and etc on the various fire roads that make up the Claremont Wilderness Trails (Cobal is one of them).

Cobal Canyon reminds me of David. David was my best friend in Junior High. Somewhere between our Freshman and Senior year of HS, David transferred to Claremont High. I credit him for finding Cobal Canyon. This was his trail. He had the first Trek Carbon OCLV, it was race car red and by far the best bike in our group. He would scream down Cobal hitting speeds above 40 mph! 40 mph seemed to be the magic number.

Up Burbank. The day was warming up. The marine layer was losing its battle to the sun. I really prefer riding DOWN Cobal Canyon and riding UP Burbank. I see a lot of riders doing the opposite and can't understand why they insist on riding in the wrong direction. Cobal Canyon is so much more fun riding down it.

I don't remember the first time I made my way up Burbank. It must have been in the 1990s. Burbank is a nice steady climb and from there you can bridge across Johnston's Pasture to Marshal and Cobal Canyon.

I decided on two laps around Marshal Canyon before calling it quits. My Bonelli ride turned into an Epic ride that took me on a tour that went from Bonelli to Marshal Canyon. A survey of the foothills from Pomona to San Dimas to LaVerne to Claremont. The ride left me beat, tired, extremely hungry and satisfied.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Intense Mountain Riding

Wow, I would NOT try this! The drops look crazy and the cliff sides leave ZERO room for error.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Invisible Bike, Bike Crash

This is why you shouldn't ride invisible bikes. They are dangerous!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ghetto Razor Bike

Be very clear, my Tall Bike is Cool, this Razor Bike is GHETTO!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bud's Ride, Where Did Everyone Go?

I rode four laps around Bonelli this evening.  I never saw the Bud's group. 

It was hot and there was a strong headwind.  Hmmmm.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Blisters Again!

I don't understand what's going on. I ran 4 miles last Monday with no problems and no blisters.

Yesterday, I ran another 4 miles; no blisters, no problems.

Today, I ran 5 miles and I am sitting at home, the proud father of a big ole blister on my foot!

Today's 5 miler was an easy one too! I didn't push, I just don't understand.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blues Brothers, "Rubber Biscuit"

A Ricochet Biscuit is the kind of biscuit thats supposed bounce of the wall back in your mouth, if it don't bounce back, you go hungry!

Classic and off topic!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Someone needs new cleats

I can't remember the last time I replace my road cleats. I think now is a good time.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Marshal Canyon Alone, Carl and Friends GMR, Michael and Hugo Bike Building and Spencer Gets High

Today I opted for a quick two laps around Marshal Canyon. I left the house at 6 am, headed up Marshal Canyon, down Cobal, up Burbank then did it again. The Marshal Canyon side was lonely but the many hikers on Cobal and Burbank kept me entertained and alert.

Carl and his crew shuttled up GMR only to bomb down Monroe Truck Trail, TWICE!

Michael and Hugo came over to do a bike swap.

Hugo's updated Giant is ready for the road!

Spencer from Coates Cyclery rides high.

Steering Geometry

For all you Bike Techno Nerds, this is a great article regarding steering geometry, which of course affects bike handling.

A Fresh Look at Steering Geometry..., by By Chris Kvale and John Corbett.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Buds Ride

It seems like the heat yesterday over took us all. The pace was a few notches slower. I was still dropped, it just took a little longer to do it. :)

Who is Heinz Stucke?

"In the early 1980s, after two decades on the road, Stücke decided to attempt to visit every country in the world. Between 1962 and 2010, he cycled more than 609,000 kilometres (378,000 miles) and visited 195 countries and 78 territories. From 1995 through 1999, the Guinness Book of Records described him as having traveled more widely by bicycle than anyone in history."

More Info Here ...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Knobby Time XC Series, Race #3. (DNF)

Well there is a first time for everyone. Race 3, I pulled out the full suspension and, well, flatted! Despite being very disappointed with my non finish, I did meet a fellow blogger, Michael of The Claremont Cyclist. Michael took tons of pictures, more race pics here.

Antonio's daughters were out to see him take first overall and win the series. Antonio and I talked about racing the Over The Hump Series, but Tuesdays aren't going to work for me.

Here is a photo of Antonio with his three daughters.

Thanks Michael for these pics!

Glendora Mountain Road, No Cars Allowed

GMR is closed to motorized traffic from July 2 thru July 5. I decided to take advantage of this as GMR is a much different place when all the cars and motorcycles are gone.

I set out by 6 am from my house and was at the maintenance shed by 7:30. There were very few riders out and the day was heating up quickly. I'm glad I left early.

I did manage to ride a few miles with Mark. He caught me somewhere around Newman's and it was a nice temporary distraction. He's a Triathlete and is training for an upcoming Ironman. Good luck!

Overall, the ride was quiet. It was very nice to be up in the mountains alone. By 8:30, I was dropping into Mt Baldy Village and by 9:15 I was home.

What a great start of the day.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Completed, The Tall Bike is Here!

So, this project has been on-going for a few months but I am happy to announce the Tall Bike is finally completed.

Tall Bike, Funny Bike, Double Decker Bike, call it what you want. The inspiration came one raining weekend. I was at home, not able to ride due to poor weather, surfing on the web when I saw this video.

I was amazed, so I started searching the web for more tall bikes. Every video, pictures, and etc made me laugh and I thought how fun it would be to have one. Luckily, Nick, from CANIDAE Racing was willing to help me realize my tall bike dreams.

Nick and I talked over my ideas and my very specific request that the design be clean. On the web there are a lot of "Franken" Tall Bikes. I get that that and can appreciate them. I mean aren't all tall bikes "Franken" bikes anyways. That's part of the fun, taking two beater bikes, welding them together and viola, a tall bike is born.

Not my tall bike. I wanted MY tall bike to be clean, well thought out and pretty!

Needless to say, I'm happy with the results.

It was Nick and Scott's idea to cut out holes in the head tube. We powder coated the Steerer tube black and it contrast nicely against the green head tube.

Franken Bikes, the donor bikes were an old GT Outpost and a cheap Performance Bike Frame.

Here is another shot of the head tube.

Nick worked hard at cleaning up the chain linkage. To get everything aligned we had to use two 68mm X 113 mm square taper bottom brackets. Chain alignment is PERFECT!

Cut and clean! Un-necessary material on the crank arms were cut away.

Another angle. We used an aluminum pulley wheel to guide the chain up to the top chain ring.

Nick cut and machined down the bottom crank arms to a nub! Very clean!

So what do I want to make next, Gravity Bike, 29er, ultra Utilitarian City Bike ...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Being a Dickhead is Cool!

Hipster, Emo, Punk, Metal Heads, Goth, and now this ...